Everything You Wanted to Know About the Metaverse—But Were Too Afraid to Ask

Metaverse Illustration

How do you navigate an immersive virtual world that’s still mostly conceptual yet manages to generate billions of visits and even more dollars? Buckle up, because the deeper you go, the weirder it gets.

One of the most buzzed-about destinations of 2022 is barely developed and widely misunderstood, starting with the fact that it isn’t, strictly speaking, real. And yet despite that existential disadvantage, the metaverse has managed to attract some of the world’s biggest brands, from Sotheby’s to the NFL, who’ve set up shop in the virtual universe to drop capsule collections, mint NFTs and auction off multimillion-dollar digital artworks. Along the way, the metaverse also became the hottest concert venue of pandemic-struck 2021, with A-list performances by Ariana Grande, Lil Nas X and Justin Bieber, all in avatar form.

Which is all fine, but what is it, exactly? The term itself, coined in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel Snow Crash, is already headed for middle age, while the technological capability to actually create a fully immersive, interconnected virtual world remains a dream locked inside the mind of a yet-to-be-imagined super-computer. Still, the headlines keep coming, from Ralph Lauren’s winter-themed virtual fashion retail village to the hyper-realistic “meta-human” avatars that are being generated by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine digital creation studio. For a universe that doesn’t yet exist, the metaverse is surprisingly, if intangibly, real.

The Lay of the “Land”

Whatever you’ve heard about the metaverse, the reason you’ve heard of it at all is almost certainly Facebook’s October 2021 announcement that it would be investing “many billions of dollars for years to come” into the space, during a presentation in which CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared, with the fervent, unblinking enthusiasm of a newly initiated cult member, that the company was also changing its name—to Meta. Based on the rendered animations and demos shown during the announcement, the rebranded tech giant’s idea for its namesake future seems to boil down to a very boring Matrix taking place inside a Nintendo Wii, where you hang out, work and take exercise classes in fully immersive 3-D.

But such a hyperscale interconnected virtual world is only one of several possible futures for the metaverse, and it’s not everybody’s first choice. Right now, “the metaverse is kind of the merging of crypto and gaming,” says Karinna Grant, cofounder and co-CEO of the Dematerialised, a creator of and “marketspace” for digital fashion, accessories and collectibles. Crypto may provide some of the metaverse’s funding and much of its vocabulary, but gaming is its technological bedrock, a digital-native industry with billions of global users that’s been creating immersive universes for decades.

Some of the biggest multiplayer franchises, including FortniteHalo and Minecrafthave evolved into self-contained worlds with GDP-level in-game economies. Consider these titles and those like them—developer-controlled storytelling gameplay that also includes shared social spaces and experiences—as the moneyed establishment of gaming real estate in the metaverse. Of that group, Fortnite has locked down the most high-profile collaborations, activations and merch, including virtual Air Jordan sneakers and NFL jerseys, takeovers by Star Wars and Stranger Things and high-fashion avatar outfits—aka skins—and accessories designed by Balenciaga. Across the philosophical sound are the creator-led platforms, gamified world-building engines and marketplaces that don’t rely on any form of contest or competition. Chief among these is Roblox, a global online platform that’s like a massive virtual rec room and hangout, with over 10 million designers creating virtual experiences and items for its nearly 50 million average daily users.

Oculus Jurassic Park

Playing Jurassic World Aftermath with the Oculus VR headset. Oculus

“We have a generation of kids who have grown up with 3-D interactive gaming where they intuitively know how to socialize in these experiences,” says Roblox chief business officer Craig Donato.

Metaverse experiences such as Roblox, he says, are “fundamentally social—you’re doing them with other people.” For hundreds of millions of digital natives, hanging out together in virtual spaces “is a whole dimension to how they live their lives.”

Which explains the recent evolution of the virtual economy: As a sizable portion of that gaming-first demographic ages into the stage where one begins to desire the finer things in virtual life, a more sophisticated marketplace has emerged to serve those tastes. Where once the majority of users went to Roblox primarily for game-type experiences, Donato says, “now people are going to see concerts, or to see the debut of a movie, or a fashion launch like the new Gucci line.”

It turns out that industries naturally pollinated by population density—art, fashion, retail, entertainment, gambling—have no problem blossoming without the actual, physical density part; the dollars are real even if the users are ciphers. Consider the metaverse in its current state, then, as the entrepreneurial outer fringes of a gaming industry grown so large its gravitational force is now swallowing entire other economies.

How Do I Get In?

When picturing the metaverse, many people imagine strapping on a virtual-reality headset and wandering around the type of bounded, orderly space we’re used to in the physical world: walking down a virtual main street, popping into a virtual boutique.

Certain elements of that scenario exist today, including VR headsets—the biggest brand, Oculus, is owned by Meta and popular for immersive 3-D games such as Beat Saber—as well as shared, simulated 3-D spaces as experienced inside Roblox or Microsoft’s Mesh for Teams enterprise application, accessed through that company’s $3,500 HoloLens 2.

In actual reality, almost no one uses virtual reality to experience the metaverse, which is still almost entirely seen through the two-dimensional screens of gaming monitors, laptops, tablets and phones. Despite the revolutionary rhetoric around the future of the metaverse—and there’s a lot, much of it with a passion for decentralization, to be anchored in a next-gen, block- chain-based internet iteration called Web3—the unsexy reality of the current metaverse is that it runs on Web 2.0 and is most often accessed through the portable little supercomputers we still think of as phones.

3D Rendering via Hololens

A designer using the Hololens to view renderings in 3-D. Courtesy of Microsoft

But despite the handheld convenience, getting around the metaverse is difficult. It’s basically Los Angeles, a vast sprawl of disconnected enclaves where everywhere you want to go is a world away and you can’t tell how old anyone really is. Now picture each neighborhood operating somewhere between an all-inclusive resort and an isolated nation-state: Every platform in the metaverse requires its own sign-in and its own avatar; it sells its own nontransferable goods and services and uses its own fiat currency to do so. Imports are almost as rare as exports, which are nonexistent.

These are the present-day, small-metaverses that may one day be incorporated into a vast, interconnected capital-M Metaverse, with the theoretical ability to travel among worlds with all of your likenesses and inventory in tow, known as interoperability. There are many ideas of the future metaverse that don’t include interoperability on such a grand scale, or even at all, but if you want to understand all the headlines about luxury brands jumping into the space, consider that Meta, the seventh-largest company in the world by market cap, just committed to building its infrastructure.

Where Do They Keep the Valuables?

Art and retail are the current main attractions of the metaverse, and so far pretty much every newsworthy, big-name sale in the metaverse, from those Bored Ape cartoons infiltrating Twitter avatars to the unsanctioned “MetaBirkin” virtual representation of the famous Hermès handbag that sold for over $40,000—currently the subject of a lawsuit by the French luxury house—has been an NFT. That means a “non-fungible token,” a term that concurrently refers to both the virtual creation and the corresponding certificate of ownership and authenticity (the token) that lives on the blockchain and is updated with each transfer of ownership.

NFTs are all the rage despite still being of limited utility. “One of the criticisms around NFTs and digital assets is how do you show people you have them? How do you showcase your trophy pieces?” Grant says. Whether you’ve purchased a virtual sneaker or a commissioned artwork, the typical answer is that you’re given access to an image file that can be posted to Instagram or Twitter or digitally overlaid in Snapchat—and often, that’s it.

Dedicated NFT viewers, such as those from the MyntSpatial and CryptoVoxels, are a more elegant and contextual solution. Cyberart studio Accursed Share, which most recently collaborated on a series of multimedia NFTs with celebrity photographer Frederic Auerbach, featuring behind-the-scenes images and video from shoots with Mike Tyson, Natalie Portman, Zendaya and other stars, is working on its own proprietary NFT viewer. More useful still are in-real-life NFT frames, such as Samsung’s Frame TV, that can display your digital artwork on your physical walls.

“Christie’s and Sotheby’s, which are completely established and traditional auction houses, are a big part of the legitimation of the space,” says Mónica Belevan, chief concept officer of Accursed Share. “They’ve become like intermediaries in saying, ‘No, this actually has value: This is actually real and happening.’”

The main place to display digital purchases is your avatar. Nearly every platform has a stock in trade of upgrades, skins, accessories, badges and effects—a fresh supply of covetable gear is the engine of any in-game economy. Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and Nike have all designed digital wares for Roblox, while Moncler and Balenciaga have created avatars and merch for Fortnite, with Balenciaga announcing in January it would launch a dedicated metaverse division.

Ariana Grande Fortnite Skins

Skins from Ariana Grande’s Fortnite concert. Fortnite

Yet all of those different products from different brands appeared, essentially, the same: like video game clothes. But there is an entirely more rarefied version of virtual fashion. The Fabricant builds bespoke, platform-specific couture garments and accessories with the digital craftsmanship and production values of a Hollywood studio. “We’re really lucky to be able to hire incredibly talented digital fashion designers, 3-D environment creators, visual effects people, lighting specialists—that all goes into what we do, which is why we have such a movie-industry-level finish,” says Michaela Larosse, head of content for the Fabricant. Larosse also describes the house’s upcoming co-creation platform, the Fabricant Studio, in which brands can “drop” digital fashion collections for modification, or selected graphic designers can stock custom-made digital fabrics, and with the help of the Studio’s design tool, users can create their own one-off pieces, which they can then mint as NFTs and wear in virtual worlds. “It’s like a digital atelier,” Larosse says. “You step in, you choose the fabric, you choose the silhouette.” The idea is a glimpse of an emerging creation economy called direct-to-avatar.

And yet, as with the rest of the metaverse, nearly all retail remains confined within two-dimensional device screens, despite the potential of 3-D virtual reality. “When I tried on a VR headset for the first time, I was like, ‘I’m not a gamer, but I’d love to shop like this,’” says Neha Singh, former head of product for Vogue.com and founder of Obsess, which since 2018 has been building bespoke virtual-shopping platforms for luxury brands including Fendi, Ralph Lauren, Ferragamo and Vacheron Constantin. “For the first few years of the company, we were building for virtual-reality headsets,” she says. “But of course, it was too early for headsets.”

It still is. Today, Obsess mostly builds web-based experiences, such as a virtual tour of Vacheron’s new 57th Street flagship location in New York City, complete with high-fidelity digital renderings of the physical location and shoppable virtual merchandise. Ferragamo, meanwhile, designed a grand villa, entirely virtual, with soaring arched windows, a pistachio paint job and its own interactive advertising campaigns hung like virtual art on the walls. You can click through either on your phone or a web browser. “It’s not something where you need to download an app or run a virtual-reality headset,” Singh says. “It’s something that’s accessible today.”

Puma for the Fabricant

Puma’s Day Zero capsule for the Fabricant. The Fabricant

Grant, of the Dematerialised, sees another display avenue opening in the near future—she believes a new generation of phones will be able to project holograms “by the end of this year or the beginning of next,” allowing everyday users to bring digital pieces into physical space. “There are certain fashion pieces I’d love to sit on my desk at home,” she says.

But for the foreseeable future, everything’s an NFT, especially given the favorable economics involved. Unlike with virtual goods, resale terms can be baked into the NFT contract at the blockchain level, ensuring that for every resale transaction going forward, the artist or brand gets a fresh percentage of the sale. It’s a revenue stream, in perpetuity, for each and every digital artifact created.

Who Owns the Real Estate?

Despite the metaverse’s theoretical promise of a limitless, unbounded new universe, plenty of virtual developers have been busy creating blockchain-backed digital real estate, and digital speculators have been obligingly snapping it up. Decentraland calls itself the “first fully decentralized virtual world,” a Roblox-style creation engine, peer-to-peer marketplace and gaming world where users can buy, sell and even rent virtual land via the Ethereum blockchain. It’s controlled by a DAO, a decentralized authority organization popular in the cryptocurrency and digital-art spaces that has no circumscribed leadership and makes decisions by voting on proposals submitted from within the group. Upland, meanwhile, decided to harness the frothing, real-world real-estate delirium by selling GPS-perfect, block-chain-backed inventories of New York, Los Angeles and other hot US housing markets, sending physical property owners scrambling for their calculator apps, wondering just who owns their plot in the metaverse—and how much they paid for it.

Buffalo London and Fabricant Shoe

A virtual shoe co-designed by Buffalo London and the Fabricant. The Fabricant

But there’s another use, according to Grant. “It’s becoming the case now that a lot of DAOs and the different collectives, which are investment arms to collect digital assets, are only allowed to buy things on the preface that it will have to be shown publicly,” she says, and “some collectors are specifically buying land where they can showcase their NFT collection.”

So, What’s the Point?

It takes very little poking around to realize the entire point of the place is that it’s an economy, stupid, but more importantly it’s a frontier economy, with the type of open, unregulated space that has always attracted dreamers, artists, preachers, freethinkers, crackpots, grifters and the just plain bored.

Most of us have no reason to spend time in the metaverse, though that’s getting less true each day. This alone makes it worth a visit, but the metaverse, like all good destinations, also resonates because of its otherness, not despite it. Its outlandish premise proves the general rule that groups of people behave fundamentally the same no matter where we’re hanging out: We joke, compete, flirt, form cliques, show off, gossip and try to one-up each other. We’ll buy clothes for digital bodies that require no covering and grind away at gamified facsimiles of service jobs in a world that has no need for gravity, let alone pizza parlors. We act, even in a virtual universe, overwhelmingly, inescapably human.

And after two years of mostly keeping the global economy running amid intermittent lockdowns and widespread social isolation, suddenly the metaverse, in all its fundamentally remote, online, chatting, emoji-ing virtual interaction, seems not just imaginable or even plausible, but familiar. The virtual horizon is nowhere as far off as we once thought, and besides, the metaverse has a built-in survival advantage, one that no sane observer of modern culture would bet against: It’s the only reality around with a selfie view.

Everything you should know about: Metaverse, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency


The word “metaverse” is often traced to Neal Stephenson’s 1992 dystopic, cyberpunk novel Snow Crash, and many see a more recent inspiration in the dazzling warren of experiences at the heart of Earnest Cline’s 2011 novel Ready Player One. However, the metaverse is far from the stuff of sci-fi. It’s not even new.

Online communities have existed since at least the mid-1980s, and grew in the 1990s with chatrooms, AOL instant messenger and the first social media sites. The game World of Warcraft became a persistent social scene for millions in the early 2000s, and communities have continued to sprout up within and around games. Today, logging onto Fortnite, joining a chat with friends over a console platform and launching into a game with them is, especially to younger generations, just as social an experience as most other physical interactions.

Defining the metaverse

Metaverse: If the contemporary internet experience is two-dimensional—meaning you browse and scroll through it on a screen—the metaverse is 3D. You’ll be “walking” through it via connected headsets or glasses.

It is unclear whether there will be one metaverse or many different separate metaverses (or any metaverse at all, really), but this seems to be the one constant: The metaverse is an immersive next-generation version of the internet, likely rendered by virtual or augmented reality technology.

The venture capitalist Matthew Ball, whose writing on the metaverse has influenced Mark Zuckerberg, describes the metaverse as a “successor state to the mobile internet” and a “platform for human leisure, labor, and existence at large.”

More than a social network

Hackl’s son wasn’t alone in having a birthday party on Roblox over the past year; the 16-year-old creator of the Roblox game Math Obby, who goes by the username 0bid0, threw himself a party to which he invited not just friends from school and Twitter, but also fans of the game. “I couldn’t manage to make plans in real life because of the pandemic, so I took the chance of building a cool place to host the virtual event,” he tells TIME.

Real money in the metaverse

A new kind of working from home is only part of what the metaverse can provide those out to make a buck. Case in point: metaverse entrepreneur Carrie Tatsu, 48. She has spent over 15 years making her living designing, marketing and selling avatars, pets and accessories for citizens of Second Life, a game that launched in 2003 as a blank-slate digital world where users could buy land and spend actual money on in-world customizable clothing. (If you think that sounds a great deal like the metaverse currently being touted by big tech, you would be correct.) Tatsu joined in a moment of dissatisfaction with her marketing job. Because she likes cats, she bought a pet for her avatar. The decision launched her career.

What is NFT and How Does NFT Work?

The Ultimate Guide to Understand What Is NFT

Imagine buying a piece of digital artwork on the Internet at a reasonable price and getting a unique digital token known which proves your authority over the artwork you bought. Wouldn’t it be great? Well, that opportunity exists now, thanks to NFTs.

NFTs are currently taking the digital art and collectables world by storm. Just as everyone worldwide believed Bitcoin was the digital answer to currency, NFTs are now pitched as the digital answer to collectibles. Asa result, digital artists are seeing their lives changing thanks to the massive sales to a new crypto audience. 

If you are interested in NFTs and want to explore more about what they are, you have come to the right place. Let’s dive in and see what all the fuss is about!

What’s an NFT?

  • NFT stands for a non-fungible token, which means it can neither be replaced nor interchanged because it has unique properties.

Features – 

  • Digital Asset – NFT is a digital asset that represents Internet collectibles like art, music, and games with an authentic certificate created by blockchain technology that underlies Cryptocurrency. 
  • Unique – It cannot be forged or otherwise manipulated. 
  • Exchange – NFT exchanges take place with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin on specialist sites.

Cryptopunks is a notable example of an NFT. It enables you to buy, sell and store 10,000 collectibles with proof-of-ownership.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are generally not issued by any central authority, rendering them theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.

Understanding Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies underpinned by cryptographic systems. They enable secure online payments without the use of third-party intermediaries. “Crypto” refers to the various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques that safeguard these entries, such as elliptical curve encryption, public-private key pairs, and hashing functions.

Cryptocurrencies can be mined or purchased from cryptocurrency exchanges. Not all ecommerce sites allow purchases using cryptocurrencies. In fact, cryptocurrencies, even popular ones like Bitcoin, are hardly used for retail transactions. However, the skyrocketing value of cryptocurrencies has made them popular as trading instruments. To a limited extent, they are also used for cross-border transfers.


Central to the appeal and functionality of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology. As its name indicates, blockchain is essentially a set of connected blocks or an online ledger. Each block contains a set of transactions that have been independently verified by each member of the network. Every new block generated must be verified by each node before being confirmed, making it almost impossible to forge transaction histories.1The contents of the online ledger must be agreed upon by the entire network of an individual node, or computer maintaining a copy of the ledger.

Experts say that blockchain technology can serve multiple industries, such as supply chain, and processes such as online voting and crowdfunding. Financial institutions such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) are testing the use of blockchain technology to lower transaction costs by streamlining payment processing.

What role does Ethereum play in the interconnection of the Metaverse, NFT, and crypto tokens?

Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, right after Bitcoin. Not only it is a top-rated coin, but it is also a development platform creators use to create these Metaverses.

The majority of tokens, such as MANA and SAND, are ERC20 tokens, which do not have their own blockchains.

They use Ethereum’s network to verify transactions and expand their operations. As a result, while the platforms themselves may have been built on MANA or SAND, everything behind the scenes is Ethereum.

Ethereum is also the preferred currency on OpenSea, the world’s largest NFT platform. In addition, the majority of NFTs can be purchased with ETH directly from a crypto wallet.

Ethereum is the driving force behind these three concepts, as well as a slew of other emerging technologies like DeFi and dApps. As a result, it is one of the few Blockchains that allows Metaverses, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies to communicate with one another.

In Conclusion
While metaverses are still in the early stages of development, many businesses are already dabbling in the digital realm. The metaverse presents a massive opportunity for crypto. It has the potential to change how people socialise, watch performances, interact with brands, learn, and trade digital assets. Crypto is becoming more mainstream in terms of utility and adoption as it becomes the metaverse’s medium of exchange.

NFTs are buying into the Metaverse for Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Adidas, Nike and other luxury fashion brands.

They are heralding a world where digital fashion will be just as dynamic as physical fashion. But it’s not just about having access to high-end fashion. Walmart is looking to sell NFTs and its own cryptocurrency to investors soon, putting convenience right up there with luxury.

If you want to learn more about the Metaverse and NFTs or want to know the difference between crypto coins and tokens, make sure to head to CoinSwitch, CoinDCX, WazirX, for some interesting read and also to invest in crypto.

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Web 3.0 – Everything That any Human Must Know About This Internet Version

The world of the internet leaves no chance to impress end-users. While we are done reaping the benefits that Web 2.0 sowed for us, Web 3.0 is all set to impress and sway us. Going a step ahead of the conventional internet, Web 3.0 is capable of designing open, permissionless, and trustless networks.

What wonders can it do? Is it a need of the hour? What does it mean for the future? All these and more questions are what we’ve addressed in this post. So, if you’re curious to know about Web 3.0 then stay tuned.

But before that, do you know

How Web 3.0 differs from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

World Wide Web heightening from “readable” to “writable” to “executable”. In web 3.0, computers will interpret information like humans and present more personalized content for the readers.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 was the initial stage of the world wide web evolution. It was focused on the readable perspective of content only, not the dynamic of the websites. In short, web 1.0 is a content delivery network that can present the piece of needed information on websites.

Web 2.0

In the second stage, the worldwide web-focused more on user-generated content, interoperability, and usability for readers. With the growth of web 2.0, the participative social web comes into the picture. It focuses more on modifying the web design and page than any technical specification. With collaboration, web 2.0 allows writing user-generated content.

Examples of web2.0 applications are YouTube, WordPress, Facebook, Google Maps, and more. Users use some of the popular web technologies like CSS3, JavaScript frameworks of ReactJS, AngularJs, and Vue.js to develop new content and contribute to the growth of the social web

Web 3.0 – the evolution of web utilization and interaction.

Semantic Web, 3D Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Ubiquity, and Connectivity are the new definition of the world wide web. Let’s have a look at web 3.0 in more detail.

Web 3.0 – Understanding the Headline Maker

Web 3.0 or Internet 3.0 is the term used for the third generation of the internet that is capable of endowing end-users with a bit more sophisticated and top-notch communication.

Tim Berners-Lee – the creator of WWW – and Web 3.0 as something much beyond the Semantic Web he had defined. These two terms are often used interchangeably. Speaking of Semantic Web, it denotes the system majorly dependent on machine-readable semantic data. The semantic data is generated via RDF (Resource Description Framework) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language).

The most updated Web 3.0 definition is explained in the connection of distributed ledger technology wherein Web 3.0 has made information authentication and decentralizing task are easier than ever making Blockchain adoption possible in every unfavorable condition.

Regardless of the definition used to explain Web 3.0, one fact exists in each definition as it’s this internet version is more productive, transparent, connective, and efficient.

Key Characteristics of Web 3.0

To grasp a better hold over Web 3.0 understanding, understanding some key traits is useful.

Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is the next step in the evolution of the web that enhances the functionality and accessibility of the websites. The Semantic Web allows users to be more precise and effective when searching for content, allowing them to search for data based on exact meaning rather than keywords or page numbers.

  • 3D Graphics and Spatial Web

What sets Web 3.0 stands out from past internet versions is its ability to perform 3D graphics and a Spatial Web.The presence of 3-D design has made Web 3.0 capable to design highly realistic and likable cyber experiences. It also expands the business outreach and service delivery. Industries like online gaming, e-commerce, tourism, and many more have already assimilated the power of 3D graphics and have taken their product service permission a step ahead.

Spatial Web makes the utility of Web 3.0 a step ahead as it distorts the thin line between the virtual and real world. Virtual Reality or VR is one of the key in-built features of the Spatial Web and is used to visualize the objects and process a bit more.

  • Artificial Intelligence or AI 

The incorporation of AI has made Web 3.0 a bit more judicious and competent. Owning to the power of AI, Web 3.0 is skilled enough to extract meaningful information from video, text, photos, and other sorts of content. The use of AI makes segregation of useless and useful information and makes service delivery a bit more personalized.

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

It won’t be erroneous to call Web 3.0 designed for Blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. Blockchain technology fixes the key weaknesses of Web 2.0 and empowers Web 3.0. It has made Web 3.0 a bit more secure and controlled1. While one is using blockchain and cryptocurrency, the use of Web 3.0 supports cloud storage, tokenization, defi solutions, smart contracts, and many more technologies to churn out a bit more effectively.

  • Ubiquity

The Internet is becoming faster, and thus internet-connected computers are becoming more efficient. Everything from Bluetooth devices to watches, drones, and lamps is linked to the Internet. The services can be accessed anytime and anywhere using a mobile phone or computer.

  • Constant connectivity 

On-going and ubiquitous connectivity is another key defining trait of Web 3.0. As semantic metadata is used in Web 3.0, information is always easily accessible. Data can be accessed at any time, device, and connectivity hindrance. Additionally, the implementation of IoT, 5Gtechnologu and speedy connection ensure that information is at its disposal.

Why is Web 3.0 Important for the Business?

The world is moving towards a future where there will be no borders, we will all be connected, and everything will be virtual. This is what Web 3.0 is all about.

As said earlier, Web 1.0 was all about introducing personal computers and the Internet. Web 2.0 was the era of social media and social networking websites.

Web 3.0 is the next phase of the Internet, where it becomes an entire universe of its own. Web 3.0 is the era of blockchain technology and decentralized applications. This is when we will see the rise of blockchain-based platforms that can decentralize pretty much every aspect of our lives.

According to Deloitte, digital information is placed in Web 3.0, blurring the distinction between digital content and physical objects. So, the impact of Web 3.0 on businesses will be to make them more transparent and user-centric. Anything that went wrong regarding user data in corporate governance will change completely.

Major Benefits Of Web 3.0

  • Data Ownership

Over the years, technology behemoths controlled and exploited user-generated data. End-users take full ownership of the data using Web 3.0 provided by the blockchain.

Data sent over the network is encrypted. Users can choose what information they want to share with businesses and advertising companies and make money from it.

  • Anti Monopoly And Data Protection

Web 3.0 features include professional and data, protection models. It promotes non-centralized operating systems that keep control over their users’ data.

We’re going to see a frontline shift with decentralization and privacy. The monopoly of technology behemoths is over, and data breach incidents will be few and far between now that users have control over how their data is viewed.

  • Easy Access To Information

One of the main advantages of Web 3.0 is the ability to access data from anywhere, mainly due to the widespread use of smartphones and cloud applications.

The vision is that the user anywhere in the world has as much access to information as possible. This technology aims to expand the concept by allowing devices to collect user data and smartphones to access data on your computer.

  • Seamless Service

The suspension of accounts and the rejection of distributed services are significantly reduced. Since there is no single predetermined breaking point, the certainties are minimal. The data is stored on distributed nodes for redundancy, and multiple backups prevent server hijacking or failure.

  • Permissionless Blockchain

Web 3.0 does not need any central power. Anyone can join and participate in the network by creating an address. This eliminates the possibility of blocking users based on gender, income, orientation, geographic location, or other social factors. It also enables the timely and inexpensive transfer of digital assets and assets across borders.

The adoption of Web 3.0 brings a whole lot of perks and advantages for businesses and end-users. Have a look at them:

  • The blend of AI and Web 3.0 makes browsing more effective. Accurate search results are offered in less time. The results are more user-oriented and address the information hunting issues more appropriately.
  • Web 3.0 is strong and can stand against hacking and data breach attacks. It’s because of the use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology. The user information remains hidden and it endows the power to eliminate monopolization. 
  • With Web 3.0, end-users are allowed to enjoy continual and uninterrupted service usage. It’s because of the presence of nodes. In Web 3.0, data is stored in nodes that provide data instantly. Also, this internet version comes with an unmatched backup facility. 
  • Web 3.0 breaks are the barriers that stop people from accessing the internet and related services. The use of blockchain lift the restrictions imposed due to location, gender, and other demographics factors. 
  • Wondering how to get complete ownership of data? Try Web 3.0 as it makes this happen using high-end encryption. For large enterprises, it’s a great way to make the most of acquired data.

Challenges to Be Faced 

While everything about Web 3.0 sounds good and impressive, its implementation is not always free from hassles. There are a couple of challenges.

For instance, the technological advancement that Web 3.0 brings along is not everyone’s capacity. Certain team members need the training to get their hands on this updated internet version.

Adherence to privacy laws is another major challenge. While information is so easily available, end-users must be extra vigil ensuring better data privacy.

Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensure the upright and fruitful implementation of Web 3.0. Any hurdles or issues on this part can be resolved with professional help. Technology partners like Bacancy Technology bring great relief. We offer all the needed Web 3.0 related assistance and make things work for you.

Ending Notes 

Some changes are good and needed to address future needs. Web 3.0 is one such change. With this version, the internet becomes a bit more powerful and competent. The adoption of blockchain technology becomes easier than ever. Any qualms and hindrances, faced during the Web 3.0 adoption, can be resolved easily with the help of qualified technology partners like Bacancy Technology. We will bring the best out for you.

Why Social Media Is Important For Business?


I don’t think you understand just how crucial social media is for businesses (especially startups). Do it right, and you might even catch up with the industry giants you look up to.

Believe it or not, social media is currently the determining factor that sets apart successful million-dollar businesses from the average “struggling” businesses. However, it’s not too late for you to catch up.

There are currently over 3 billion people across all social media platforms (that’s almost half of the world’s population). The average social media user spends at least 2 hours a day browsing through multiple social media feeds.

People spend more time on social media platforms.

Now tell me, is there any other marketing effort that can be as impactful as social media marketing? In addition to that, social media marketing is cost-effective (even free if you have the time and dedication).

We have more interesting stats!

Did you know that at least 43% of people who use the internet also use social media to research things to buy?

Why is social media so important for businesses?

Go through the benefits of social media for businesses and how you can use social media marketing to “hew” your way to business success.

1. Social media gives life to businesses.

Before social media revolutionized the world, people used to view businesses as “emotionless” mechanical robots built to suck money from their pockets. The connection between customers and businesses was strenuous.

Social media gives life to businesses - Why Social Media is Important For Business

Startups and small businesses had a hard time entering markets because customers thought they were schemes set to “rob” them of their money.

Social media came and made it possible for businesses to present themselves as human beings. Even as a startup, you can now easily enter a market once you’ve learned how to present yourself appealingly before your audience.

Get your brand on social media. Share your values, interests, and allow your business to build close relationships with people. Then, watch as like-minded people gather around you.

Do it well, and you might even build a community around your brand. A place your clients can call home and be comfortable enough to invite others to join.

They say that the most advanced form of marketing is when you get your clients to put in the word and market your brand for you. Social media has made that goal attainable for all businesses.


Competition on the web is worse than ever, and it’s especially difficult for new businesses to find and keep customers curious. But with 83% of Instagram users saying they discover new products on Instagram, the platform presents a great opportunity to reach a vast audience of potential customers.

Another way to boost your brand’s visibility is through target advertising. On a social networking site that boasts 2.89 billion monthly active users, Facebook ads allow you to choose exactly who you want to display your ads so – you can create target audiences based on demographics, interests, and more. 

If you’re not taking advantage of social media within your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a fast and effective way to reach almost half the world’s population.

What’s more, these ads can also help drive people to your content, and this brings us to the next point. 

2. Social media makes it easy to build brand authority.

The more you interact with customers and potential customers on social media, the more you stand out from the crowd. Social media has made it possible for businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders in their markets.

Social media makes it easy to build brand authority - Why Social Media is Important For Business

How can you establish your business as a thought leader using social media?

It’s simple. Transform your social media page into a one-stop place for information related to your market niche.

You can start by posting interesting and educating blog posts, videos, and images. The more you post, the more people start believing that you know what you’re talking about.

The simple process of sharing your views and ideas with the world will not only establish you as an authoritative voice in your niche but will also help with building customer trust.

Did you know that 53% of people who follow business social media handles are more likely to remain loyal to those specific businesses?


The referral of users from social media to retail sites in 2020 highlights the power of social media as a tool for driving traffic to websites. 

Facebook was the leading social media platform of referral traffic to e-commerce sites, with more than 1 billion visits of users coming from the channel and accounting for nearly 50% of the total social referral traffic towards e-commerce. 

Ranking second, YouTube also saw incredible results, with just over half a billion visits (24.46% of the total volume of social traffic referrals to e-commerce websites in 2020).

But whatever the industry, businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this opportunity. The key thing is to use social media effectively, for example, optimizing your Twitter page. While it may seem like one of the least-used channels, Twitter is an extremely valuable marketing tool. So, ensure your bio is updated, making it easy for users to access your website easily.

If you’re putting on a sale or posting a blog that offers valuable information, you can also promote these through posts on social media. Redirecting customers to your websites by including quick links will drive traffic to your site and increase the likelihood of a sale. 

Social media has a lot of information in one place compared to other mass communication means like television broadcasts. You’ll never be left behind.

Business owners can also use social media to get market awareness.

Thanks to the one-on-one connection that social media offers, businesses are now able to listen to customer complaints, satisfaction levels, and be able to spot and take advantage of need gaps to make more profit.

Being on social media will put you way ahead of your competitors.


Many brands are just beginning to realize the real value of connecting with consumers, and so are using social media as more than a promotional tool. 

It’s not just about the number of followers on these channels. Investing in building relationships with consumers directly impacts business revenue because it strengthens customer loyalty.

According to Sprout Social, 76% of consumers say they would buy from a brand they feel connected to over a competitor, and 57% say they’re more likely to increase the amount they spend when they feel connected to a brand.

Also, social media can help to humanize a brand. Customers increasingly want to see the faces behind their favorite brands, and 72% of consumers feel more connected to a brand whose employees share information on social media. Employee-created videos that share tips or celebrations, like birthdays, are great for building rapport with customers – this also shows a brand’s commitment to transparency.

Unlike traditional media, which offers only one-way communication, social media is a two-way street. Businesses who create interactive content on social media also benefit from tapping into the in-the-moment connections that consumers value. 

Sharing behind-the-scenes posts on Instagram stories, encouraging using specific hashtags, and even showing excellent customer service by responding to queries are all great ways to engage with consumers. 

Our Social Media Executive, Janam Shah, goes into more detail on this topic, explaining that:

‘Social media has changed the way businesses and customers interact. If we look at the consideration stage of the customer journey, where individuals consider whether to buy a product, potential customers are now able to message companies directly to ask questions about a company’s products and services. And they expect instant replies.

In this two-way communication, social media has created a heightened expectation of immediacy. Not replying to customers’ questions promptly is like having a customer in your store and ignoring them. From this point of view, social media has to become integrated into your business marketing strategy, and not just used as a promotional tool.’

Don’t forget to direct people to your websites with your social media posts – your goal is to keep your website at the center of interactions!

4. Social media is a cost-effective marketing solution.

Social media marketing is one of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) marketing campaigns out there. Think of this, signing up for a social media account is free across all the major social media platforms.

Social media is a cost effective marketing solution - Why Social Media is Important For Business

Sure, as you start, paid social media ads are actually a good idea to get the wheels turning. However, the cost is significantly lower compared to other marketing and advertising campaigns.

Time, dedication, consistency, and a little bit of creativity are all you need to get started on building a social media presence for your brand.


Although not directly, social media contributes to your SEO ranking. The links you share across the channels increase brand exposure – these add up and influence search engine optimization.

When you create valuable content that connects you with your target audiences, they become advocates of your brand, sharing this content with their friends and followers. This ultimately increases your visibility, improves your traffic, and generates backlinks. These backlinks help to boost your brand’s overall page authority in the eyes of Google. 

If customers are constantly sharing your content on social media, it generates social signals that your posts are useful to your target market, notifying Google that your site content is credible – this could indirectly improve our search rankings. 

5. Social media helps in building website traffic.

Social media offers businesses one of the quickest ways they can boost website traffic. Sure, organic traffic is good, but it needs to be nurtured over time. Social media can have people crowding your website in a matter of days.

Social media helps in building website traffic - Why Social Media is Important For Business

The best way you can do this is by sharing your website links on your social media handle. Many businesses make the mistake of sharing links on posts that are too promotional and sales, thus putting off their audiences.

Instead, share sneak peeks of your most interesting blog posts and videos on your social media handle, and link them back to the full content on your website. Remember, you are aiming at building traffic and not making conversions (you’ll do that after building trust with your visitors).

Besides traffic, you can also use social media to boost your website’s SEO ranking. Social media impressions are also taken into account by Google’s ranking algorithms.

The more your share your website links on social media, the more likely people are going to click on them- This further proves to Google that your website information is relevant and useful to search engine users.

6. It supports eCommerce and boosts sales.

We’ve seen it on Facebook, businesses can now embed sales portals into their pages. Very soon, social media platforms will evolve into online business stores where customers can make purchases without leaving the platform.

It supports eCommerce and boosts sales - Why Social Media is Important For Business

Currently, businesses are using social media to influence their audiences’ purchasing decisions. Push the right buttons, and you’ll be able to convenience your visitors to make purchases right from your business’s social media page.

7. Social media enables targeted marketing.

Social media marketing has a “sniper” approach that remains unmatched by all other marketing campaigns.

Social media enables targeted marketing - Why Social Media is Important For Business

Social media platforms have made it possible for businesses to market themselves before specific audiences. Businesses can now choose their audiences according to age, gender, location, and even interests.

Businesses no longer have to waste time and money advertising before audiences that aren’t interested in the products and services they have to offer.

Do you have any idea how effective that is? Startups no longer have to wonder in the dark looking for customers. You now immediately go to where your customers are and sell.


I hope you now understand why social media is so important for businesses. It came and completely revolutionized the relationship between businesses and customers.

What are you waiting for? Social media is still new and trendy. Start building your brand’s social media presence today!

How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency: 11 Key Steps

How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency: 11 Key Steps

A recent report by Marketing Dive and research firm Forrester claims that spending on digital marketing will hit $146 billion by 2023. This anticipated year-on-year average growth rate of nine percent suggests there are huge opportunities available for digital marketing agencies.

The growth of the industry isn’t the only reason why starting an agency is an attractive prospect. The internet has hugely lowered the barrier to entry. It’s now possible to start with a limited team and practically zero startup funds using tools that are available online.

While starting a digital marketing agency is easy, being successful isn’t. You’ll need the required skills, dedication, and an effective plan to grow your business.

While AppInstitute can’t help with your dedication, we can provide you with a step-by-step plan for how to start a digital marketing agency. Here are 11 steps you should take to start and grow your business.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Step One: Do a Skills Audit
  • 2 Step Two: Pick a Service to Offer
    • 2.1 What About Messaging?
  • 3 Step Three: Create Marketing Collateral
    • 3.1 Website
    • 3.2 Social Media
  • 4 Step Four: Get Some Case Studies
  • 5 Step Five: Use Your Network
  • 6 Step Six: Use Freelancing Sites at the Start
  • 7 Step Seven: Value Your Time
  • 8 Step Eight: Find the Right Partners
    • 8.1 Co-founder
    • 8.2 White Label Partners
  • 9 Step Nine: Choose the Right Business Model
    • 9.1 Retainer
    • 9.2 Project-based
  • 10 Step Ten: Land and Expand
  • 11 Step Eleven: Go Upstream
  • 12 Wrapping Up

Step One: Do a Skills Audit

There are many different types of digital marketing, from PPC to SEO, to social media, and more. Each type of marketing requires different skills. The first step to starting a digital marketing agency, therefore, is to have a clear idea about what you’re good at and how to fill any skill gaps.

If you have experience in managing PPC campaigns, it makes sense to offer this service. However, running PPC campaigns has many subsets of skills that you need to consider. For example, you may have to take care of things like writing the copy for the ads, building landing pages, or designing images.

In addition to this, you may also want to specialize in a service that allows you to stand out from the crowd. Google or Facebook ad management is highly competitive and is a difficult market to penetrate. In such cases, you may consider offering ad management in emerging platforms like TikTok, Youtube Shorts, Instagram reels where it is easier to establish yourself.

If you aren’t skilled in these areas, how will you fill in the gaps? Is there a way you can learn these skills, for example, by taking an online digital marketing course? Or can you hire freelancers to take care of tasks for you? Knowing this in advance can help you define the specific service you offer clients.

There is also the problem of what happens if a client asks you to provide a service you don’t currently offer. Turning the client down may lead to them looking elsewhere. Using white label services or freelancers can help here. There is more detail on these two points in sections six and eight of this article.

The final point is that you’ll also need skills related to running a business. Do you know anything about sales, for example? Or how to take care of payroll and taxes? If not, you’ll either have to learn on the job or hire someone from outside.

Step Two: Pick a Service to Offer

Once you know where your skills lie, you can decide on the specific service you offer. While it may be tempting to cast a wide net and provide as many services as possible in an attempt to gain clients. Many small agencies find success by choosing a specific service or niche that directly relates to their skills and experience.

If you can do this successfully, you can gain the trust of those in your industry and become the go-to agency for brands that need your service.

When picking a niche, a good idea is to specify both a service and an industry. For example, if you’re a social media whizz, and you have experience working in hospitality. Your agency could initially focus on social media for hotels, restaurants, and bars.

An alternative to picking an industry you have experience in is to choose an industry where you have contacts.

When starting, a common way to get clients is through your contacts (more on this later). If you are a website designer and you have a friend of a friend who owns a law firm, inquire about creating a website for the firm and using this as a launchpad.

If you think your niche is too narrow, it’s possible to choose one that is still relevant to the work you are doing but allows for more growth. In the example above, you could decide to offer your service as (in order of how narrow the niche is):

  • Website design for law firms
  • Website design for professional services
  • Website design for small business in your area
  • Website design for small business

What About Messaging?

Now you have your service and niche, it’s critical you can convey the benefit of your service. To do that, you’ll need effective messaging.

Your agency’s messaging will convey your values and the benefits of your service to clients. It should be simple to understand. Attractive to your target market. Accurately reflect the service you offer, and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Your messaging will come through in your agency’s tagline, slogan, description, value statement, and marketing. For more information, Myk Pono created an excellent in-depth article about brand positioning that you can read on Medium.

Here are some agencies with effective, targeted messaging:

  • Infratech Digital’s messaging explains what they do, the benefits of using their service, and who their ideal client is.
Digital Marketing Agency Website
  • Dusted mentions their services, the types of business they work with, and the results they deliver.
Digital Marketing Agency Landing Page

Step Three: Create Marketing Collateral

The next step is to put your research into practice by building some marketing collateral you can use to help attract customers.

When deciding what collateral to create, you should think about who your customers are and where they are most likely to see you. For most agencies getting started, there are two main pieces of marketing collateral they will benefit from: a website and social media.


A website is a place where an agency must convince people interested in their service that they can produce results for their business. A business’s homepage will usually contain a headline, tagline, a call-to-action, and then further down the page more information about the services offered and why they are useful.

If you created effective messaging in the previous step, writing your website copy should be relatively easy as you’ll already have a good idea about your values, target customers, and the benefit of your service. Both the websites in the section above are good examples of this.

At the top of the page, you can focus on the overall value of your agency. Further down, you can go into the value of the specific services you offer. For example, a content marketing agency aimed at SaaS could focus on how the service brings in leads for the business, then further down the page mention how:

  • SEO, optimized blog posts bring customers to the website.
  • White papers and eBooks generate contact details.
  • Email marketing campaigns push these leads closer to becoming customers.

Social Media

The other type of marketing collateral many agencies will gain value from is social media.

LinkedIn, for example, is an excellent place to network and get in touch with businesses that may require your service. Instagram is a great place for visual agencies to display their content, while Twitter can be a good place to get in touch with B2C companies. Finally, you should be on Facebook because… well, everyone’s on Facebook.

LinkedIn is likely to be where most agencies focus most of their social media efforts. It provides ample space to talk about your company and as well as a section for your company description and tagline. Other things you should think about on LinkedIn include getting endorsements from clients and publishing blog content straight to the platform.

Step Four: Get Some Case Studies

An effective way to explain the benefits of your service is to use a case study. Not only do they show potential clients the type of result they could achieve, but they also act as social proof that you can do what you say you can.

A good case study will have several features. The first is the title, which will clearly explain the exact results your agency achieved. In the title, you can use figures and statistics to verify your claims.

In the main section of the case study, you should first explain the problem the client was having and why the way they were doing things was ineffective. Then, you can talk about how you were able to solve the problem for the customer. In the final section, you can go into more detail about the results you achieved. Be specific and use figures to illustrate your points.

This blog post from OptinMonster is an excellent example of a simple (it’s only 400 words) yet useful case study.

The headline “How Yoast Added 10,000+ Email Subscribers in a Month Using OptinMonster” uses statistics to detail the exact results the client achieved.

Optin Monster Case Study on Their Website

The article then goes on to explain what the client wanted to achieve, as well as the specific steps they took. Finally, OptinMonster has a short section where it lists the exact results Yoast achieved using its service.

Case studies don’t need to be blog posts. They can be PDFs, slideshows, or pretty much any format you want them to be. It just needs to be displayed in a way that is easy to share with potential clients.

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block for new agencies is that they don’t have any clients and therefore may find it hard to create a case study. However, there are ways around this.

For example, do you know any business owners who would let you test out your service? Or is there a way you can use your service to help your own business (you are a marketing agency, after all)? A landing page agency could create a landing page to get people to sign up for its newsletter, and then detail the results in a case study.

Step Five: Use Your Network

Now you’re up and running, and it’s time to find clients. Unfortunately, while up until now the process of starting an agency has been straightforward, getting clients is where things become difficult.

The main issue is: how can you convince business owners to trust you — a new business without much/any experience — enough to hand over their cash?

Well, having case studies as per the step above will help, as will effective messaging. However, for many businesses just starting out the easiest way to find clients is to use their existing network.

Tell people you know that you are starting a marketing agency and let them know the services you offer. Be sure to tell everyone, not just other business owners or people in your industry. This is because even friends or connections who are unlikely ever to need your service may know other people that do.

Using your network to find your first clients removes one of the most significant barriers to working with someone: trust. When you know a client personally, they already trust you and know your credentials. They are unlikely to worry about you running off with their money or doing a bad job.

Once you have an initial client or set of clients, it becomes much easier to sell your service. This is because you’ll expand your network, build social proof, and you can showcase positive results from initial jobs in your marketing collateral.

Step Six: Use Freelancing Sites at the Start

Another way to gain clients when you are starting is to use freelancing sites like Upwork or PeoplePerHour.

While these sites have a bad reputation in some circles, they have one massive benefit over other methods of gaining clients: they have many people that need work done right now. This is crucial when you are just starting out and desperately need work. Use these sites effectively, and you could be working on projects within days or weeks.

Freelancer Jobs on Upwork

The problem is finding suitable clients. It’s no secret that there are a lot of bad projects around that you should avoid. If you fail to spot bad clients, you’ll spend a lot of time creating applications for work that you don’t want.

There are several questions you can ask to avoid finding bad clients.

  1. Do they have a positive work history? On Upwork, clients have star ratings and reviews. These can be good clues about whether the client is worth working with. Also, check how much the client has paid for similar work in the past to see if it fits in with your expectations.
  2. Is the job posting convincing? You should avoid copy-pasted job adverts or ones that are littered with spelling mistakes. Job posts that don’t contain any specifics are also often a tell-sign that the client won’t be a good one.
  3. Who is hiring? Many agencies use freelancer sites to hire people to work on their projects. As an agency owner, you generally want to avoid these jobs (although subcontracting can be ok in some cases). Unfortunately, they can sometimes be hard to spot. One way is to look out for phrases like “one of our clients.” Another is to check their job history; if they have hired for multiple jobs in different industries, they are probably an agency working for various clients.

Step Seven: Value Your Time

In the book “E-Myth Revisited,” author Michael E. Gerber discusses a problem many business owners make. That is, they work in their business, not on developing their business. Business owners that make this mistake often get worn out as they do far too much work but never actually grow their company.

How does this relate to starting an agency? Well, as an agency owner, your role is to build your agency. Sure, you may spend some of your time working on projects for clients — especially at the start as you build up a client base — but your most important job is developing your business.

There are many places where you can waste time. If you aren’t skilled in web design, building your own website will likely take longer than it should do and result in a poor outcome. Likewise, bookkeeping is another task that, if you don’t outsource, can be time-consuming.

Day-to-day tasks can also be delegated. Can you use a VA (virtual assistant) to perform research tasks, for example finding potential new clients? Or, would you be better-served outsourcing tasks like designing images, writing copy, making social media updates, or uploading articles?

Even if you end up doing these tasks yourself at the start, always be consciously recording and building processes so that when you do end up needing to outsource them, you can do so seamlessly.

Step Eight: Find the Right Partners

Having the right partners can help you grow your agency. By working with other people or companies that complement your business, you can strike up mutually beneficial relationships. Here is a look at some of the partners you could consider.


A co-founder is an obvious choice. If there is someone you already have a strong working relationship with and you have complementary skills, then going into business together can help take some of the pressure off you.

For example, a copywriter could go into business with a web designer. This would allow them to offer a full website creation service without having to rely on other employees.

It’s also possible for two people with similar skills to go into business with each other. Former Apple designer Jonny Ive, for example, has just started an agency with former Apple colleague and fellow designer Marc Newson.

The downside to going into a business with a partner is that you’ll have to find double the number of clients to earn the same amount of money. While this may not be a problem for I’ve and Newson, it may be something worth considering.

White Label Partners

White label services are those that are performed by someone else (or a piece of software) yet are branded with your agency’s name.

Partnering with a white labeler can help take the pressure off during busy times or allow you to provide extra services that you don’t have expertise in.

White label partners come in many forms, from companies that create content or videos to those that perform tasks like keyword research.

AppInstitute has a white label option whereby agencies can provide apps for their clients using our white label app builder. Agencies pay a set monthly fee for access to the app-building software, and they can use it to create apps for clients.

You could even set up an agency solely dedicated to selling apps. Many of our existing resellers already make good recurring revenue-building apps for small businesses. You can find out more about how to use AppInstitute to provide your customers with apps here.

Appinstitute White Label Reseller Landing Page

Step Nine: Choose the Right Business Model

Once you start getting clients, you’ll have to start thinking about the best way to charge them. There are two main options for this.


According to Digiday, the most common way agencies charge clients is to use a fee-based retainer. Agencies that use this payment structure receive money monthly to take care of a specific set of services. This is beneficial to agencies as they know they will have a set amount of money coming in each month, making it easier for them to budget and make income projections.

When pricing a retainer for brands, your agency will have to consider all the costs associated with the project. For example, will you need to hire extra help, or use a white label partner, or pay for specific software? You also need to consider your markup.


While a retainer is generally good for agencies, many businesses are likely to want to use a project-based payment structure.

This is especially the case if they don’t need ongoing work if they are at the beginning of their relationship with your agency and they want to test you out, or they simply can’t afford a monthly retainer.

With a project-based fee structure, the client will make a one-off payment for a specific service. For example, designing a website or writing an eBook.

While the downside to these arrangements is that they don’t bring in recurring revenue, they are a fact of life and can be especially useful when you are growing your agency. There is also the chance that if you produce good work, you can move the business onto a retainer payment structure at a later date.

Step Ten: Land and Expand

Now your agency is up and running, and you have some successful projects under your belt, you can begin to search out better and higher-paying clients. Be sure to get some recommendations and testimonials from happy clients that you can use as social proof. Also, make sure you’re continually creating new marketing material, such as case studies, to showcase your latest successes.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your business model as you learn more about your customers. For example, you may have started by focusing on a particular niche, only to notice that most of your clients come from a different one. If this is the case, consider adjusting your marketing to show these changes.

Likewise, you can make changes to the services you offer to ensure you cover what clients want. If you began as a web design agency, you may find that many of your clients also want you to take care of managing their site or creating mobile apps for their business. Think about updating your messaging to reflect this insight into what clients want.

Step Eleven: Go Upstream

For many agencies, the ultimate goal is to find enterprise clients. These larger companies often have bigger budgets, more work requirements, and greater exposure than working for SMEs or startups. While a smaller business will often be price-conscious, an enterprise client is more likely to be happy to pay more for a guaranteed result.

Finding these clients isn’t easy, especially if you aren’t established. The bigger wins associated with these deals mean you’ll be competing with many other well-respected agencies for this work.

Nonetheless, it is possible to get these clients. First, you should be aware of how these companies hire agencies. It will often be a long process so you should begin networking early on to get your foot in the door. Keep your contacts up-to-date with how your business is growing.

You never know – if you stay in touch with the right people, you may end up in a good position to take on their work.

Wrapping Up

Starting a digital marketing agency is easier than ever. There is also a lot of demand for these services. However, being successful requires a lot of work and talent. If you are planning to start an agency, the steps above provide some insight into how to develop your business during its early stages.

Role of SEO in the Digital Marketing World

With the evolution of digital marketing in India, people are gradually understanding the importance of SEO in digital marketing. Now, if you are new to the concept of digital marketing, it simply is a modern marketing technique that uses the internet, search engines, social media, mobile devices, and other digital media platforms to reach the target customers with products and services.

What is the Role of SEO in the Digital Marketing Industry?

In the online marketing world, search engine optimization acts as an effective marketing strategy with the main focus to increase the business’ reach to the target customers. SEO plays a crucial role in digital marketing campaigns and it has become an inseparable part of the digital marketing industry.

The prime objective of SEO is to make your website accessible to your target customers. When customers search for particular products or services online using Google or other popular search engines, SEO makes sure that a majority of your potential customers reach your website. To ensure this, different website optimization strategies are implemented so that your company gets one of the top positions in the SERPs.

What are the Gains of Using SEO in Digital Marketing?

There are immense importance and worth of SEO in online marketing. You have to remember that your website will get a good rank in the SERPs only if it provides useful content to the users. So, all the SEO tactics actually improve the user experience of your website.

Let’s Discuss the SEO Role in Digital Marketing:

  • Increases Traffic to Your Website – With the SEO efforts, your website can gain a prominent place in the search engine results, thereby, increasing the number of visitors to your website. Thus, SEO and search marketing are interrelated.
  • Boosts Brand Awareness – SEO digital marketing services focus on increasing your brand awareness. As more people visit your website, they learn about your products or services and your brand gets good exposure.
  • Improves User Experience by Optimizing Website Content – High-quality website content enhances its user experience and SEO works in improving the content and web pages.
  • Creates Inbound Leads Promoting Sales – When visitors reach your website by searching for a particular product or service, they are actually becoming your potential customers. Thus, SEO in media marketing helps in generating more leads by leading the traffic to your website. This ultimately results in promoting sales.
  • Increases the Page Load Speed – SEO ensures that your webpage loads faster so that the visitors can see the content faster without switching to another webpage.

Types of SEO in Digital Marketing

Mainly three types of SEO in digital marketing are there that can be used to improve the website ranking on the SERPs:

  • On-Page SEO – This strategy works by optimizing the individual web pages for ranking higher on the SERPs and gaining more leads. Here, both the website content and HTML source code are optimized.
  • Off-Page SEO – This strategy includes all the SEO activities that occur outside the website. It primarily focuses on building backlinks but also, includes social media and local SEO.
  • Technical SEO – This strategy focuses on improving all the technical aspects of a website to get a higher ranking on the SERPs like making a website faster and easier to understand and crawl, etc.

Let’s Discuss Some Vital Components of SEO

  • Website Names and URLs – Using keywords in the website names and URLs can result in good search engine ranking. They increase a website’s relevance to a particular search query.
  • Page Content – This basically helps in optimizing the web pages to get higher ranks in the search engine results, and thereby, increases website traffic. High-quality content also helps in generating backlinks from high-authority websites.
  • Meta Tags – These are important as they provide information to the visitors about your web page and an idea to the search engines about your website content.
  • Characteristics of Links – There are 5 types of links that are crucial for SEO – internal links, external links, natural links, self-created links, and manually obtained links. A quality link should be informative, descriptive, reliable, useful, brief, and innovative.
  • Usability and Accessibility – The usability of a website measures how easily a website can be used, and website accessibility refers to the availability of the website and how easily it can be accessed by normal as well as disabled people.
  • Page Design – It is important as it provides the users with the very first impression of your website. It also helps in website optimization and ranking higher in search engine results.

Different SEO Types or Strategies in Digital Marketing

  • Local SEO – Local SEO works by optimizing the online presence of your business to attract more leads from relevant local searches on various search engines.
  • National SEO – This SEO focuses on ranking in the search engine results in terms of mostly searched broad keywords nationwide rather than for keywords specific to certain geographical locations.
  • Global SEO – This focuses on optimizing a website for different regions worldwide by creating and optimizing content for different regions and languages and finding a higher rank on the SERPs of each region.
  • Ecommerce SEO – This focuses on increasing the visibility of an online store in the SERPs and helps in increasing sales as well.

Significance of Creating a Mobile-Friendly Website

As today, more users browse the internet through their smartphones, creating a mobile-friendly website holds much importance. The design and content of the website should be such that the visitors can easily access the same on their mobile devices. In the present day, SEO focuses on making your website mobile-friendly and easy to navigate by optimizing it for mobile local search, fast loading of web pages, optimizing images, etc.

Why are People Using the Amazon Search Engine More Especially for E-Commerce?

As a search engine, Amazon understands the frequency of the product searches that people make more and accordingly, ranks the products based on the probabilities of them getting sold. Amazon focuses on the sales velocity, which means increasing the speed and volume at which the products get sold on the online marketplace. Amazon prioritizes keyword applicability, conversion rates, and customer contentment. For optimizing product pages, one has to give importance to –

  • Using product names in the title tags, heading tags (H1 and H2), and meta description.
  • Providing well-written and informative product descriptions is also important.
  • And thirdly, providing user-generated content as much as possible like customer reviews, questions and answers, etc.
  • Enabling the HTTPS protocol should be prioritized to ensure user safety.
  • Optimizing websites for voice search, thereby, attracting more traffic.
  • Creating a mobile-friendly website is very important for ensuring easy accessibility of the website on mobile devices.
  • Creating more videos and provide them to users as a major source of information.
  • Ensuring speedy loading of the web pages.
  • Enriching the website with long, information-rich, and high-quality content.

By now, you must have understood how important SEO for digital/internet marketing is. So, here comes the next question –

Why Should You Hire the Best SEO and Digital Marketing Company?

A maximum return on investment is what every client expects from an SEO and online marketing services providing company. The most common approach of SEO to provide ROI is search engine ranking. If a website performs well in the organic SERPs, it will enjoy high traffic and increased sales, and thus, this is how the client can get a good return on investment. The ROI from SEO can be determined by setting up conversion tracking in Google Analytics, which helps in tracking the rate of conversion on the site. SEO works on attracting the right audience to your website, who has higher chances of converting into customers. SEO improves the website’s user experience that too has a positive impact on the revenue.

Many companies offer impressive SEO and digital marketing services in India. So, hire a top SEO digital marketing service company like Kachariya Group and be on the profitable side always.

Benefits Of Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency

The success of your business will greatly be determined by the digital marketing strategy that you adopt. Going by recent research findings, most businesses that are doing well have adequately utilized the internet space to promote their goods and services.

If the current increase in internet users is anything to go by, then there is every reason to believe that businesses that will fail to embrace this new norm of transacting will be forced to fold up

However, maintaining a steady online presence for your business can be a daunting task. This is especially the case when your business is a startup that demands a lot of your time and energy. Hiring a digital marketing agency is the best way to grow your business since you stand a chance of receiving affordable SEO services.

What is a digital marketing agency?

A digital marketing agency is a resource that provides digital marketing services to other businesses that might not have the experience and time to execute this critical role. Most digital marketing agencies offer a wide range of services, like;

  • Search Engine Optimization(SEO).
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
  • Email marketing.
  • Content creation.
  • Social media marketing.
  • Website design and development.

Reasons to hire a digital marketing agency

Have you ever wondered why your business is taking too long to grow? Maybe it’s time you hired a digital marketing agency. The majority of business experts agree that there is a close relationship between user experience (UX) and the overall success of a business. As mentioned in the introduction, online marketing plays a huge role in enhancing the user experience. Here are top reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency:

Digital marketing has access to resources that you may not have

Conducting a successful digital marketing campaign is not a mean feat. This is especially the case if you decide to do it on your own. Besides time, there are also tools that you have to acquire if you desire your digital marketing project to yield results.

Some of the tools you may have to acquire include; SEO optimizers, content research tools, educational courses, grammar and plagiarism checkers, website development tools, and competitor intelligence trackers.

Keep in mind that the cost involved in paying for these tools or even subscribing to them is normally a huge amount. A typical digital marketing agency will have most of these tools at its disposal for the agreed amount of time.

Hiring a digital marketing agency lets you focus on what you do best

Digital marketing is a complex process that requires an expert to handle. As a business owner, you will need ample time to handle other sensitive aspects that you feel better placed to deal with. To have the opportunity to deliver on what you are best at, it is advisable to hire the services of a digital marketing agency to take care of your online needs.

You can relax knowing that everything is handled by professionals

Nothing is worse than placing your business in the hands of an unqualified individual. This is especially true when it comes to the area of digital marketing. A poorly managed website and social media platforms can end up turning away even the clients that you already have, let alone getting new ones.

It can also be expensive to train someone to assume this critical role compared to retaining a digital marketing agency. To avoid such a tragedy, it is advisable to work with a digital marketing agency. Most agencies employ qualified staff to do marketing duties on their behalf.

What to look for in a digital marketing agency

Before you settle on a digital marketing agency, it is crucial to consider some factors, they include;


Any business person worth their salt will tell you that data is one of the most valuable elements in any venture. Work with an agency that has a plan to supply you with credible data on a timely basis. This will help you in determining whether your marketing investment is worthwhile or not.

Active management

Since you are transferring a very sensitive role to the agency, you are better off with an agency with active management, since constant updates and regular inquiries will be required.


There is no shortage of digital marketing agencies; go for one that fits within your budget without compromising on the quality of service.

Final thought

Digital marketing is central to the success of every business; it ensures that you have a steady online presence. Keep in mind that a good digital marketing agency should work to see that your website ranks top on search engines and engages your potential clients on all social media platforms.

What is Internet Marketing?

Definition & Examples of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is an all-inclusive term for marketing products and services online. This includes a variety of methods and platforms for communicating with customers, such as website, email, social media, and online advertising.

What Is Internet Marketing?
Internet marketing refers to the strategies used to market products and services online and through other digital means. These can include a variety of online platforms, tools, and content delivery systems, such as:

  • Website content and design
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • Blogging
  • Video/podcasting
  • Online ads
  • Sponsorships and paid promotions

While internet marketing’s apparent purpose is to sell goods and services, or advertising over the internet, it’s not the only reason a business will do it.

A company may be marketing online to communicate a message about itself (building its brand) or to conduct research. Online marketing can also be an effective way to identify a target market, discover a marketing segment’s wants and needs, build long-term relationships with customers, or establish authority and expertise within an industry.

Alternate names: E-marketing, web marketing, digital marketing

How Internet Marketing Works?
Internet marketing uses customers’ online activity to connect them with a business by reaching them in a variety of places on the internet. The types of internet marketing a business uses will depend on the business model, types of products, target customers, budget, and more.

Website Content and Design
A business website allows customers to:

  1. Find your business online
  2. Learn your business’s location or contact information
  3. Discover your products or services
  4. Sign up for your email list
  5. Request more information
  6. Make purchases

Websites often use search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that their content will rank high on search engines and be easy for customers to find.

Email Marketing
You can use email for sending direct mail electronically, rather than through the post office. Collect customer emails either through purchases or website sign-ups, then use emails to share important information, encourage purchases, and build relationships.

Email allows you to reach customers individually and personally. A 2019 retail study looking at more than one billion shopping sessions found that email marketing had a conversion rate of 2.5%, compared to only 1.1% for social media. (The highest conversation rate was direct referral, at 3.0%)

Social Media
Most consumers use some kind of social media, though the type you will focus on will depend on the behavior of your target market.

More than 90% of 18 to 29-year-olds use social media of some kind, and while use decreases with age, it can still be used to reach consumers in all age brackets. More than 60% of those over age 65 use some kind of social media, and those numbers are likely to keep growing.

Older consumers are more likely to use a platform like Facebook, for example; millennials often use Instagram; and younger consumers are more interested in video platforms, such as TikTok or YouTube.

Find out where your ideal customers spend their time and focus your efforts there.

Blogging allows you to increase your website’s SEO by adding articles and posts around certain targeted keywords. This increases the likelihood that customers will find and visit your website as a result of online search.

You can also write for other people’s blogs, magazines, or websites. This can increase your audience and put your business in front of more potential customers.

Video and Podcasting
Some creators who make videos or podcasts use that as their sole business. Other times, businesses use these platforms to establish expertise, connect with others in the industry, and create a funnel for new customers to find and develop an interest in their products or services.

Podcasts especially are growing in popularity. More than 100 million Americans listen to podcasts every month.

Online Ads
Online ads can take a variety of forms.

Pay-per-click advertisements placed in search engines target particular search terms that potential customers might use. Targeted ads on social media designed to reach specific segments of the platform’s users who might be interested in your business’s products, services, and promotions.

You can also place sidebar ads on other people’s websites or in their email marketing. Online ads are most effective when they are “congruent,” or relevant to where they appear or what the target audience is searching for.

Personalization can also increase the response rate to online ads, especially at the early stages of consumers’ decision-making process. However, personalization is most effective when ads appear in congruent locations.

Sponsorships and Paid Promotions
You can take advantage of an audience that someone else has built with sponsorship or paid promotions. These marketing campaigns allow you to pay someone whose audience matches your target market to discuss, use, promote, or share your products and services with their followers.

This can both increase brand awareness and drive sales, especially if you pair the campaign with a targeted promo code or special offer.

Do I Need Internet Marketing for My Business?
Internet marketing is increasingly becoming mandatory for businesses of all types. Customers spend lots of time online every day, including checking email, browsing social media, using search engines, and visiting websites.

Consumers use a variety of online methods for finding, researching, and eventually making purchasing decisions. Over 40% of consumers report that they first turn to Google search when looking for a product or service, and 26% of consumers say they shop online every week.

However, traffic from social media pages and ads account for around 8% of consumers discovering retail websites.1 You can take advantage of all these channels by creating broad internet marketing platforms to help potential clients and customers find your business.

This is true even if your business is small and local. From 2015 to 2017, Google saw mobile “near me” searches with some variation of “to buy” or “can I buy” grow by 500%-a figure likely to continue rising. No matter what type of business you have or where you are located, investing in internet marketing can help you build your business, connect with customers, and make sales.

Key Takeaways

  • Internet marketing is an all-inclusive term for marketing products and services online.
  • This can include website content, email marketing, social media, online ads, sponsorships, and more.
  • The types of internet marketing a business uses will depend on the business model, types of products, target customers, and budget.
  • No matter the type or size of your business, you can use multiple online platforms and ways of communicating to create a broad internet marketing plan that helps potential clients and customers find your business.
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